Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Creating a Sample Argumentative Essay on Daylight Saving Time

Creating a Sample Argumentative Essay on Daylight Saving TimeIn your efforts to prepare yourself for essay competitions, you might encounter a need to create a sample argumentative essay on daylight saving time. You'll discover several simple steps to this process, which will be helpful in your article preparation and for your essay finals. These steps will help you use the rules of the hour as efficiently as possible and provide guidance for building a winning argument in your essay.The purpose of the sample argumentative essay on daylight saving time is to show how you can apply the basic principles of a persuasive essay to this case. Since time is always changing, we will consider different theories about why it changes. Some people believe that the change is really just a matter of convenience. By freeing yourself from your bed at night and returning to the more convenient of daylight saving time times, you will find you get to be up earlier and return to work earlier, too.Anothe r major argument against this change is that it will slow down commerce. There are more accidents and fatalities as a result of people's inability to return to standard time. Each year, we lose many more people to traffic accidents or worse because of their late arrival home.A third theory holds that there is no practical effect, although it is possible for cultural impacts. Modern society has evolved so that people tend to work at night, and it would be an enormous change for them to return to standard time. Since so many people rely on their clocks to determine their hours, they may not be able to adjust.As you can see, a variety of factors come into play when it comes to the question of whether or not daylight saving time has a practical effect. Consider the evidence presented here, but remember, the important point is that you do not have to believe one thing or the other. All that matters is that you are able to demonstrate why the question is worth looking into.The next step i n preparing a sample argumentative essay on daylight saving time is to get a handle on what types of cases to consider. Are there any historical references to the practice? (An example would be to use clocks to explain the spread of slavery.) A major part of academic writing is analyzing and examining case studies.Next, you'll want to think about how you can apply your knowledge of daylight saving time in the classroom. If you can relate your use of clock and daylight saving time to a real life situation that you've experienced, that will help.Following these steps, you should be able to produce a quick primer that you can use when creating your own arguments in this area. Your essay will be well written and meaningful.

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