Friday, May 8, 2020

Writing a Persuasive Essay

Writing a Persuasive EssayYou might be thinking, 'I need to know more about how to write a persuasive essay before I can attend a writing workshop.' Maybe you are thinking, 'My persuasive essay needs more focus.' Whatever your situation is, you have the ability to use one of the most powerful tactics to persuade others to take action. When you are writing a persuasive essay, focus on the way your audience sees you, and use that focus to direct your content.Think about what they see you as. If they see a friend or family member doing something different than they usually do, what does that mean for them? Are they making a decision about this new person? Do they see this person as an important decision maker?The more they see you as an individual, the better they will see you as an authority figure. If you are not sure what that looks like, simply ask yourself this question: 'If I were able to make that decision about that person, would I be happy?' Write this response down.Now, look a t the way you present yourself to your audience, especially the way you tell your story. Your audience will see you as an authority figure, if you have a personal connection to them. Perhaps you met them through friends, relatives, or work. Consider what it means to have that kind of connection.Sometimes you may feel a personal connection to your audience. If this is the case, you should use it to guide your content. The way you frame your story, and the presentation of your argument, should reflect this connection. You will find that if you frame your story in a way that allows your audience to see your relationship to them, they will respect you more.When you are putting together your content, start by having a good understanding of what your audience has already been exposed to. Do they watch television, read newspapers, listen to radio shows, and so on? This is your information for them. Take note of the topics that they find interesting.Take advantage of the things that they ha ve heard, seen, or read. Those are your ideas for your content. The more connections you make, the more information you will collect. Then, use these connections to start making a compelling argument for your message.You are now well prepared to write a persuasive essay. With the proper connection, you can make a better-informed decision about what to do next.

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