Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Fiery Trial Book Review Essay - 843 Words

Anthony Romanelli Dr. Clemons AMH2020 9:05-9:55 AM â€Å"The Fiery Trial† Book Review By the time Lincoln took the oath of office on March 4, 1861, he addressed a divided nation (Ch. 5 pg. 164). The United States was going through hard times of dealing with slavery in the 1800’s. Slavery was the hot topic in politics of that time period just as the debate over abortion or gay marriage is today. The issue over slavery really grew in the early 1860’s; around the time President Abraham Lincoln took office. Lincoln became president and kept his own personal beliefs about slavery to himself. As his career as president progressed, he embraced the beliefs of Henry Clay and made it clear to everyone how he felt about slavery. The authors purpose to†¦show more content†¦He keeps to the subject very well in this book, making the tone of it objective, keeping his personal views out. The book is written in an undeviating fashion, looking at Lincoln’s relationship with slavery from his early childhood to his d eath and beyond. The author of this book is a professor of history at Columbia University and is one of the country’s most noticeable historians. He graduated from Columbia with his doctoral degree under Richard Hofstadter. Foner is one of only two people to be president of three major professional organizations. They are the American Historical Association, the Organization of American Historians, and the Society of American Historians. Two months after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, one abolitionist wrote that to make the proclamation a success, we must make freedom a blessing to the freed. The question of how to do so would long outlive Lincoln and the Civil War (Epilogue, p. 361). My summary is of the fourth chapter of â€Å"The Fiery Trial† novel. In March of 1857 the Supreme Court handed down the Dred Scot decision saying that the founding fathers didn’t include African Americans in the wording of their constitution. This decision sent a rip ple through the country and further divided the country over the issue of slavery. Lincoln gave his House Divided speech during the convention of 1860 and suggested that the United States should either embrace slavery inShow MoreRelatedThe Iran-Contra Scandal1731 Words   |  7 Pagesmember of the National Security Council of the United States, was accused of diverting money from weapon sales in Iran to support the Contras in Central America. Provide context of central America, how this was exposed, what happened to north, specific trial stuff, talk about the cold war/tensions†¦ state thesis at end of sentence, state arguments, conclude. 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